Titre : | The impact of visibility on perception and space use : the case of urban plazas in biskra |
Auteurs : | yassine Bada, Auteur ; Abdallah Farhi, Directeur de thèse |
Type de document : | Monographie imprimée |
Editeur : | Biskra [Algerie] : Université Mohamed Kheider, 2012 |
Format : | 262p / 30cm |
Accompagnement : | cd |
Langues: | Anglais |
Mots-clés: | MOTS-CLES : Isovists,space Syntax,spatial experience,behavior,visibility,Plazas |
Résumé : |
تتناول هذه الأطروحة كيفية استعمال المجال العمراني و بالتحديد الساحات الخارجية العامة حيث تطرقت إلى الإشكالية المتعلقة بكيفية الاستعمال الغير متوازن لهذه الفضاءات من طرف الإنسان - ساحات عليها تدفق و استعمال كبير و أخرى قليلة الاستعمال حتى تكاد تكون مهجورة كما هو الحال بالنسبة للساحة الواحة - مجالات مستعملة أكثر من أخرى. للنظر في هذا الإشكال انطلقت هذه الأطروحة من الفرضية المتمثلة في أن استعمال المجال من طرف الإنسان مرتبط ارتباطا وطيدا بالعلاقات البصرية و حقل الرؤية (Visibility) المتوفرة في المجال. اعتمادا على النظرية التي تنص على أن تركيبة و مرفولجية المجال العمراني تولد مجال بصري متغير بالنسبة للإنسان المتجول (المتحرك) مما يتأثر على سلوكيته و قراراته و اختياراته المتعلقة باستعمال المجال سواء للتحرك و التنقل أو القيام بأنشطة ثابتة (Static activities) (Bill Hillier). للنظر في هذه المعضلة أخذت الأطروحة ساحات مدينة بسكرة كنموذج للدراسة. و تم استعمال صيغة التركيب الفراغي كمقاربة للدراسة – عمليا البحث ارتكز من جهة أولى على استعمال البرنامج الرقمي(Depthmap) الذي يسمح بتقييم رقمي لخصائص المجال و إنتاج خرائط بيانية، و من جهة أخرى تم الاعتماد على الملاحظة الميدانية (In Situ observation) لكيفية استعمال المجال و انجاز خرائط السلوكيات أو كيفية استغلال المجال (Behavior mapping). تم الاعتماد على تطابق كل الخرائط و الأرقام المستمدة من البرنامج الرقمي و الملاحظة الميدانية بهدف الكشف عن أية علاقة بين استعمال المجال و الجانب البصري تم هذا عن طريق المقارنة بين الساحات المختلفة و بين مختلف مناطق (Subspaces) الساحة الواحدة. This thesis aims to explore why some plazas are preferred to others and also why some parts of the same plaza are busier and more preferred by people than others. The investigation springs from the assumption that a good space is a used space and people’s behavior, movement and use is directly related to the visuals fields created by the spatial configuration i.e. visibility. It is also assumed that the use of space is governed by two major factors: Its attractiveness in terms of movement, i.e. how easy for people to move in as its being to-movement and through-movement space; and the conduciveness of its visual properties for people’s activities. This work aims to examine the correlation between the spatial use and isovist properties of plaza spaces with a case study from Algeria. The thesis first starts with a comparative study of four urban plazas within the city center district of Biskra, Algeria, in which the correlation between the number of static people in sitting and standing positions and the syntactic and isovist properties of each plaza is examined. Then focuses is put on each of these plazas to explore why within the same plaza some parts are busier and more preferred by people than others. Believing that a space may have many sub-settings and that its use is determined by the affordances of these sub-settings, the plaza has been subdivided into subspaces based on its physical properties. Each subspace has been investigated further to look for links between visibility and spatial use. Space syntax method and tools are used to investigate into the issue. The Depthmap program, developed by Alasdair Turner, has been used to observe the visibility properties while behavior mapping, i.e. people counting and spatial use mapping, has been used to observe in-situ the spatial use. The results indicated that spatial use is strongly related to visual considerations relevant to the type of activity and that people might undergo some discomfort for visibility matters. |
Sommaire : |
LISTE OF FIGURES 6 LISTE OF TABLES ABSTRACT 12 GENENERAL INTRODUCTION 14 CHAPTER I URBAN SPACES: Concepts, Analyses and Design Theories INTRODUCTION I.1 DEFINITION OF URBAN SPACE.22 I.2 URBAN SPACE TYPES: concepts throughout the city’s history .25 I.2.1 Ancient urban space..25 I.2.2 Squares: concepts from the city’s history..29 I.2.3 The Street: concepts and functions..33 I.3 CONCEPTS OF SPACE: definitions from different fields.36 I.3.1 Space..36 I.3.2 The architectural space .37 I.3.3 The social space.37 I.3.4 Space and psychology I.3.5 Notion of space and place. I.3.6 Space in space syntax theory.42 I.4 URBAN DESIGN AND SPACE.43 I.4.1 Urban design field .43 I.4.2 Urban design and interdisciplinarity..45 I.4.3 Theories in urban design..47 I.4.4 Postmodern urbanism and urban design..54 I.4.5 Space syntax theory and urban design..56 CONCLUSION .57 CHAPTER II URBAN SPACE USE: People’s behavior and Spatial Interaction INTRODUCTION. 60 II.1 URBAN SPACE FUNCTION /ACTIVITIES 60 II.1.1 Urban space function 60 II.1.2 People’s urban space use 62 II.2 SPACE USE: concepts from environmental psychology and sociology .67 II.2.1 Urban space use: people’s preferences .67 II.2.2 Affordances. II.2.3 Behavior setting.73 II.2.4 Territoriality Behavior: ‘defensible space’, ‘personal space’, and proxemics .76 II.2.4.1 Defensible space .77 II.2.4.2 Personal space..78 II.2.4.3 Proxemics. II.2.4.4 Space configuration and space use: space syntax 80 CONCLUSION 82 CHAPTER III PERCEPTION AND SPATIAL EXPERIENCE INTRODUCTION 86 III.1 DEFINITION OF PERCEPTION.86 III.2 ENVIRONMENTAL PERCEPTION..87 III.2.1 Environmental psychology .87 III.2.2 Gestalt theory.. III.2.3 Information-based theory..90 III.2.3.1 Preference . 91 III.3 ECOLOGICAL THEORY OF PERCEPTION..92 III.4 Visual perception and man-environment interaction .94 III.5 Environmental Cognition .95 III.5.1 Cognition map .96 III.5.2 Cognition and urban environment .97 III.5.2.1 Image, imageability and intelligibility. 97 III.5.2.2 Intelligibility in space syntax.. 98 III.6 SPATIAL EXPERIENCE..99 III.6.1 Space syntax and spatial experience..106 III.6.2 Isovists and perception ..109 CONCLUSION.109 CHAPTER IV URBAN SPACE EVALUATION: Methods and Analytical Tools INTRODUCTION. 114 IV.1 URBAN SPACE EVALUATION METHODS ..114 IV.1.1 Behavior, spatial use evaluation and analytical tools.114 IV.1.1.1 Observation: direct observation (in situ) ..115 IV.1.1.2 Gatecount .118 IV.1.1.3 Snapshot.118 IV.1.1.4 Behavior Mapping .119 IV.1.2 Sensory: ambiences, Preferences and aesthetics appraisal: analytic tools .120 IV.1.2.1 The commented walk and ‘sensory path’.120 IV.1.2.2 Sorting. IV.1.2.3 Check-list/ Multi-scaling ..122 IV.1.2.4 Preferences and aesthetics appraisals: photos, sketches, and film videos 124 IV.1.3 Space, cognition and perception: cognition map and urban environment .126 IV.2 SPACE SYNTAX AND ISOVISTS THEORIES..132 IV.2.1 Space syntax theory: measurements, analytic tools and urban environment .132 IV.2.2 Isovist Theory: measurements, analytic tools and urban environment..135 IV.2.3 Visibility graph analysis (VGA): Depthmap computer program.139 IV.2.4 Space syntax and the city: urban space ..143 IV.2.4.1 Urban space in space syntax theory.143 IV.2.4.2 Methods and cases of application .146 CONCLUSION 155 CHAPTER V CASE STUDY PRESENTATION V.1 OVERVIEW ON THE CITY OF BISKRA.159 V.2 URBAN SPACE LAYOUT: OPEN SPACES..160 V.3 THE CASE STUDY: SELECTION OF THE FOUR PLAZAS .162 V.3.1 El Houria plaza..163 V.3.2 ‘Zwaka’ Plaza. V.3.3 Dalaa Plaza.168 V.3.4 Larbi ben Mhidi Plaza .172 CHAPTER VI RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND INVESTIGATION OF THE FOUR PLAZAS INTRODUCTION.175 VI.1. METHODOLOGY: Process of investigation.176 VI.1.1 Objectives.176 VI.1.2 Process of investigation..177 VI.1.3 Basic theoretical notions and tools of the investigation.178 VI.1.3.1 Syntactic Measurements 178 VI.1.3.2 Isovists and visual access..179 VI.1.3.3 The pattern of use: people’s spatial occupancy 179 VI.1.3.4 Visibility graph analysis (VGA) method .180 VI.1.3.5 Isovists 180 VI.1.3.6 Agents Simulation; human like movement..180 VI.2 IN SITU OBSERVATION: Direct observation .180 VI.2.1 Preparation of the observation: observation documents .180 VI.2.2 In situ observation .182 VI.3 INVESTIGATION OF THE FOUR PLAZAS.183 VI.3.1 El Houria Plaza Analysis.183 VI.3.1.1 Pattern of occupancy: static people mapping .184 VI.3.1.2 Visibility analysis and patterns of occupancy of the plaza: overlapping static people map with syntactic and isovists measurements..186 VI.3.1.3 Agents simulation ..192 VI.3.2 Dalaa Plaza analysis ..193 VI.3.2.1 Pattern of occupancy: static people mapping.194 VI.3.2.2 Visibility analysis and patterns of occupancy of the plaza: overlapping static people map with syntactic and isovists measurements.197 VI.3.3 Zwaka Plaza analysis .215 VI.3.3.1 Pattern of occupancy: static people mapping .215 VI.3.3.2 Visibility analysis and patterns of occupancy of the plaza: overlapping static people map with syntactic and isovists measurements..216 VI.3.4 Larbi Ben Mhidi Plaza .225 VI.3.4.1 Pattern of occupancy: static people mapping .226 VI.3.4.2 Visibility analysis and patterns of occupancy of the plaza: overlapping static people map with syntactic and isovists measurements..227 VI.4 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF FOUR PLAZAS.232 VI.4.1 Pattern of occupancy .232 VI.4.2 Visibility analysis and pattern of occupancy..233 VI.4.3 Visual access .238 CONCLUSION 241 GENERAL CONCLUSION. REFERENCES 249 APPENDICES 256 |
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